Celiac Disease & Thyroid Conditions

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Published October 17, 2019


Celiac disease and thyroid disease: the connection

Researchers have found autoimmune thyroid diseases to be more common in people with celiac disease than in the general population. Similarly, individuals who have autoimmune thryoid disease are more likely to develop celiac disease compared to the general population. Thyroid disease is often diagnosed before celiac disease because it may be more commonly tested for than is celiac disease.

The reasons for this relationship are not entirely clear, but these are the known facts:


What does the thyroid gland do?

The thyroid is a small gland just below the Adam’s apple. This gland produces thyroid hormones whose main job is to regulate metabolism. These hormones affect every system in the body and help to control its functions, for example, temperature regulation.


Thyroid Disease


Hashimoto’s Disease (Also called Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis)

Grave’s Disease






Hypothyroidism and the Gluten-Free Diet (GF)


This article has been assessed and approved by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.

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